What is a Sunday to us? To me, I take it as a day, a cycle of dawn and dusk, to think of God. It's a day to cease striving, to set apart and make Holy. This Sacred day is so important, it is the Fourth Commandment. To me, it's a day to relax, to ponder life and to go to church; church being a place I go to for an hour or two to gather with a community, a family full of uplifting talk, kind eyes and booming songs; a time to praise He who gave me life and be enveloped in a warm blanket of sound, beautiful oscillations and vibrations of air; an hour to listen to the wisest among us and take away powerful Words, not the words of a wise man, but the Words of Another; an hour to take a pensive look at the direction of my life, time well-spent to direct my feet down a good path on which many have gone before, or to redevote my life to my King, Father and Friend.
Brothers. Sisters. What is an hour to you? A day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a life? I certainly say to you, an hour or two a week is but a pathetic amount of time to devote to the Author of All Life, yet we view it as virtuous, something that keeps from being bad people; we commend ourselves for it; we pat our own backs when we don't sleep through it, yet when you enter the Throne Room of the Almighty King of every living thing having given a sacrifice of Cain, not the first-fruits of Abel but a measly sacrifice, you will see how you've wasted your life. Brothers and sisters in Emmanuel, Jesus Christ, our Eldest Brother, keep the Sabbath day Holy. Give the Maker and Owner of every visible and invisible place, creature and most importantly us, to Him give a seventh of your time on this beautifully blue-green playground He's made especially for us, if not more of your life, love and passion.
Stay the well-traveled path of the saints that came before; run the good race; finish strong.
May God bless your day, your week, your month, your year and your life.
Many happy returns of day to you! Live them well.
Stay the well-traveled path of the saints that came before; run the good race; finish strong.
May God bless your day, your week, your month, your year and your life.
Many happy returns of day to you! Live them well.